Unraveling the Social Impacts of Artificial Intelligence

“…the complex adaptive systems managed by AI are rattled with innumerable known- and unknown-unknowns,” comments Hilbert. “Finding the right goals is known as the AI alignment problem, and it...

“…the complex adaptive systems managed by AI are rattled with innumerable known- and unknown-unknowns,” comments Hilbert. “Finding the right goals is known as the AI alignment problem, and it will likely keep humankind busy for the decades to come.”


In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have shown enormous potential to transform technologies, practices and interactions on a global scale. The adoption of AI for content creation, data analysis, decision-making and other labor-intensive jobs is growing at a rapid rate, prompting many to question its social impacts.

Will these changes benefit some more than others? Will they advantage or disadvantage students? Can they lead innovation themselves or are they limited to their input?

UC Davis experts Martin Hilbert and Marit MacArthur from the UC Davis College of Letters and Science answer these and other important questions at a recent Team Research Forum….

