Latest in: e-Democracy teniendo en cuenta que más de la mitad de la humanidad en 2024 participará en procesos electorales, “las imágenes que (la IA)...
An Experimental Investigation of Algorithm Effects on Political Polarization Cho, J., Ahmed, S., Hilbert, M., Liu, B., & Luu,...July 7, 2020
Hilbert, M., Ahmed, S., Cho, J., Liu, B., & Luu, J. (2018). Communicating with Algorithms: A Transfer Entropy Analysis...June 13, 2018
Predicting elections from social media
Jaidka, K., Ahmed, S., Skoric, M., & Hilbert, M. (2018). Predicting elections from social media: a three-country, three-method comparative study. Asian Journal of Communication, 0(0), 1–21. ABSTRACT This study introduces and evaluates the robustness...March 24, 2018 6864 0 -
The Maturing Concept of e-democracy
Journal of Information Technology & Politics Abstract: Early literature on e-democracy was dominated by euphoric claims about the benefits of e-voting (digital direct democracy) or continuous online citizen consultations (digital representative democracy). High expectations have gradually...September 1, 2009 10473 0 -
Foresight tools for participative policy-making in inter-governmental processes in developing countries
Technological Forecasting and Social Change ABSTRACT: The paper shows how international foresight exercises, through online and offline tools, can make policy-making in developing countries more participatory, fostering transparency and accountability of public decision-making. A five-round Delphi...September 1, 2009 8191 0 -
Digital Processes and Democratic Theory
also published with Google Books (click here) Contents Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION, DEFINITIONS AND MODELING 11 Introduction 11 Three basic axes for the theoretical analysis of democracy 23 Chapter 2: EIGHT DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS FOR...July 1, 2007 26742 0 -
Digitalisierung demokratischer Prozesse.
ABSTRACT: Seit Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts haben digitale Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) die Art und Weise, wie Menschen kommunizieren und ihren demokratischen Gemeinwillen bilden, für immer verändert. Jedoch wurden weder demokratische Institutionen und Prozesse noch IKT...February 1, 2007 8687 0