Latest in: Online Courses

Open online Specialization of our UC-wide online course, now available on Coursera! All online lecture material is also publicly available...
  • Formal Courses

    UC Computational Social Science

    The MOOC Specialization of our UC-wide Computational Social Science course has been voted among the BEST online courses of ALL TIMES      Some 35,000 learners singed up during its first year already: University of California...
    April 1, 2018 8603 0
  • Conference Presentations

    Que son los Sistemas Complejos?

    . Los sistemas complejos se caracterizan por ser sistemas compuestos de agentes conectados, interdependientes, diversos, adaptativos, y pendientes del camino cuyos interacciones resultan en fenómenos emergentes. Un sistema complejo es un sistema compuesto de partes interrelacionadas...
    October 16, 2015 54257 0
  • Online Courses

    Digital Technology & Social Change

    Official course enrollment at: & All online lecture material is publicly available through Official Course Website (incl. interactive lectures and accompanying readings) Lecture Playlist (lecture videos only) The two main concepts of the course...
    August 13, 2015 21351 0
  • Español

    CEPAL Charlas Sobre Sistemas Complejos Sociales (CCSSCS)

    This course of 9 online lectures (of about 60-70 min each) provides an introduction to the science of complex social systems. It is taught in Spanish. Este curso de 9 charlas en línea (de unos 60-70...
    December 1, 2013 22941 0
